Sunday, June 27, 2010

Long time no see...

Oh wow...I haven't blogged in FOREVER. o.o Craziness...

Well... Regents week was hectic. I'm anxiously awaiting the rest of my final scores... It's absolutely KILLING me! Global. Oh, I SO kicked that exam's butt, and ended up with a 97. Biology & Geometry though... who knows where I ended up there. I sure hope I do okay... As for my average, good Lord, I better get my high honors... I'll be very upset if I don't...

Summer, on the other hand has been a slow start, but good. :) This week's FILLED with craic! I can't wait! ^_^
Today = Church softball game.
Monday = LaserTron with youth group, then I'm sleeping over Christine's!
Tuesday = We girlies go to mall for some much needed clothes shopping, on my part. o.o
Wednesday = Amy's house! POOOOL TIIIIIIIIIIME! :)
Thursday = BIRFDAY. The big day... I better pass that driver's permit test...I'm terrified.
Friday = TOY STORY 3 with bestie. :) Then schweepover craziness.
Saturday = More besties craziness. :)
I'm extremely excited. I haven't been this busy since school! Even though I'd love to sleep my summer away, I need to get as much craic in before school starts in September, and it looks like it's going to be a FANTASTIC summer! :D

Also, this year, Jeremy's been confirmed AND graduated! I seriously never thought I'd see the day... Not because of what you think either... I just... I dunno. Never think of the future. I'm not thinking of the future right now at all. I actually have absolutely no idea what I plan on going to college for, I'm not planning on getting a job this summer when everyone else is. I want to live on the past... and I know I can't. =/ I think life's just going too fast...It's practically JULY! Last week it was like, MARCH. (<-- sarcasm, if you didn't catch it :P) But seriously... I'm going to COLLEGE in 2 years! Two years ago I just started high school! *sigh* I'm so glad it's summer...keeps me sane with how fast this year is going. Pretty soon it'll be Christmas.........

http:// <-- Listen. YES, it's country, and I know everyone in the world hates it BUT me. But listen anyway. I am. Not just because I like it, but seriously. The message of this song... It kills ya. I'm sitting here, stuffed from dinner, on a computer I don't need while someone else RIGHT NOW is dying because they don't even have any water. I know, I know, you don't wanna think about that, but it's true. =(

On a less depressing subject, I just read Sharon's blog about "Heritage". AKA; The Celtic CD. :D :D :D YAY for CDs! And the Christmas CT Album is coming out in October! I is excited for that too! :D Good stuff, it shall be. Gotta love me some CT. ;)

Well, I'm being dragged away to dinner, so I hope to blog soon! NOT the Irish soon either!


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Only 3 days late...


I spent my day Wednesday, watching excessive amounts of Connemara marble, and Irish knit sweaters. BUT. It was all for a good purpose. Celtic Thunder, obviously, was on QVC all day. It was wonderful to see the lads, and of course some Thunderhead friends in the audience! Lots of people wore green to school too, which was wonderful. ^_^

And, Saturday morning, the lads were also on CBS. Great craic watching that. Thankfully, the backstage stuff was put on youtube. So I can watch it over, and over, and over. And over, and over, again. And now we watch it again...

Friday, March 5, 2010

When I was a boy, I went to church back home in Arizona...

Evening everyone! Not much happenin' here. Boring...a few highlights, but nothing TOO amazing.

First, ever since Daisy left us we've been needing something new in our household. Soo...Jordan came up with the idea of getting a guinea pig or hamster or something to that affect. So we're getting a hamster!!! If he's a boy we're naming his Chester, and if it's a girl we're naming her Mrs. Nesbitt, Waffles, or Doris. I think any of these names would be fabulous! :D

Second, my school's varsity girls basketball team is beast. They won AGAIN last night, and tomorrow they're going to play for the Section B Championship at Erie Community College. Anyone know if Olean is good...? But I'm hoping for the best! :D

Third, my mother ruined my summer today. We're going to Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, Virginia this summer again. We went a few years ago with the WHOLE Stoelting crew, like both my dad's brothers and my grandparents. LOADS of craic! We all absolutely had a BLAST! It was amazing!! So we decided to go on a family vacation this year of just us and go back there because it was so epically amazing. So, my mom was looking at the website today and told me they were retiring my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE roller coaster. The Big Bad Wolf. I was SOOOOO upset, I thought I was going to die. (Okay, MAYBE not that upset but you get the picture...). So yes, that ruined my summer. BUT, on a postive note, this Busch Gardens is divided up into European countries. So like, there's Germany, Italy, France, Ireland, England, Scotland, and the like. SO I CAN'T WAIT! :D

Fourth, I've realized that I absolutely love Sephira. The Irish duo violinists...Ruth & Joyce O'Leary. They just ROCK, and I love them. Way too much. HERE! Have a YouTube video! ;D

Saturday, February 20, 2010

food, sleeping, and IE...

That's what I've been doing this past week...since I had school off for February break! Unfortunately, prison resumes on Monday. I am NOT READY for it. Rawr. : I'm being made to do all my homework for it today too, since I'm not gonna be home at all tomorrow. CHIVETTAS TOMORROW. *silent cheers*
Well, It's Entertainment FINALLY came on Tuesday. So...that was awesomes. I've watched it about 3 times everyday since Tuesday. (sad, I know, right?) But hey, I personally could care less. Bonus features? I think they're made of win. Made my year. (Until Storm comes out at least, XD)
Also...the big news of this week? Daisy, our loverly dog going on 8 years in May unfortunately passed away Tuesday. :( But, hey what can ya do?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


It's the 9th of February, and we aaaall know what that means...It's Entertainment comes out today!! :D :D I am SO EXCITED. I have yet to see it...because Amazon just shipped it today at 5:14 pm. So I'll be getting it within the week. I don't think I can wait that long...I've been waiting enough for it already! The bonus features are REALLY the stuff I wanna see...I mean backstage stuff, to auditions, and from what I hear...STORM PREVIEWS. That'll be EPIC.

And to keep my sanity within the next week, that is where Phantom comes in. I got Phantom of the Opera and Music of the Night from the movie (had those from another CD...but they didn't live up to the movie versions) and wasted the rest of my iTunes money. (of course :P) So...yeah. xD I plan to watch it quite alot this week until we have to give it back to BlockBuster :( That'll be the day where I officially go crazy. confirm on the new Seeker episode...JEREMY WAS RIGHT. I think I died when I saw that preview. And almost threw my tissue box at the computer screen. Kahlan and Richard aren't even s'posed to BE together right now in the book. Richard's in the Old World while Kahlan is back in Aydindril and yadda, yadda yadda, but NO. The show has to be SOOO different. : *sigh* Well...what can ya do. I'm still lookin' forward to the new episode anyways :P

Hope I'll live until tomorrow!! ^__^

Sunday, February 7, 2010

la la la...'s the 7th of February...that means 2 DAYS UNTIL IE! :D I don't think I can wait those two days, but it looks like I have to. :P In the meantime the iTunes, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon previews of the CD are FANTASTICCC. :D I'm listening to Still Haven't Found at the moment actually. Grand, grand song. And tomorrow apparently at 5 pm my time Damian's gonna be on the radio, AND I ACTUALLY CAN LISTEN. For once in my life, sheesh. It's about time. Then of course Tuesday is the big day, with LIVE CHAT that I'm MISSING. D: Dang you school. -_- Unfortunately my DVD/CD of IE isn't going to be shipped until the 16th of I'm going to survive, don't ask me. I'm not entirely sure yet.

BUT...on happy note I've found my new obsession. Phantom of the Opera. YES. Phantom of the Opera. I've wanted to see the movie all the way through for, awhile...and I finally watched it yesterday and IT IS ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC. I watched it today again, and it was still fantastic. The whole The Mirror/Phantom of the Opera/Music of the Night part...LOVE IT!!! It is absolutely wonderful. I definitely recommend it!!

And you can't forget the Legend of the Seeker...Jeremy told me that apparently Kahlan is pregnant with Richard's kid. I think I almost screamed after that...NOT. COOL. PEOPLE. NOT COOL! They're not even s'posed to SEE each other for like MONTHS after he was taken to the Palace of the Prophets. And he wasn't s'posed to know Nicci was a Sister of the Dark either! That's not until the Imperial Order comes. But where is the Order? Not there obviously...Jagang better hurry UP. *rant over*

Friday, February 5, 2010


"YAY" as in 2 quarters of prison are OVER. Thank the Lord. 2 more to go!! We got an early dismissal today, because something or other went wrong with mailing the report cards and yadda yadda we got 'em in homerooms at the end of the day today and *drum roll* 98.25. *silent cheer* Grand numbers, if I do say so meself. This week was actually a GREAT week at school. Badminton adventures in gym, apparently Amy "has the hat" when she wasn't even in the riddle, and prices for a movie ticket in 1994 was 25 cents. And of course we can't forget about my newfound goals for the rest of the school year; 1) Get an animal bracelet thingy and 2) Get a picture of the Legolas cut-out in the media arts room. Yes, LEGOLAS.

I described next week, sooooooooooo...aye. Great craic. ^_^

In about 8 minutes I'll be headed off to the brothers basketball game vs. St. Peter Walmore...Walmorians and their dumbo gym. :/ GO FLAMES. :)

Catch y'all laterz. ^_^